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This section has always been the most difficult for me to compose. Everything HAS to have a label or genre based upon what everyone but the artist had in mind. I've pretty much been a portrait photographer since the beginning and I describe my work as either, Art, Glamour or Lifestyle and each of them can have elements (as I see them) intertwined of the others. I'm just gonna leave them at that for now. I did add a Boudoir page as well to show various ways I've done them in the past and currently do. Please keep in mind that I dont see things in black and white but various shades of gray. Rules can and should be broken. So when trying to decide what image should be placed where, it was because its where I thought it to be best.

No matter what your portrait needs are, I can find a way to set your images apart from the expected if you choose!


Basic to not so basic portraits in studio and location


More "caught in the moment", "natural" vs posed


My playtime! Lights, gels, shadows, CosPlay and concepts


Alone or with your partner in crime

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