To book your shoot you must do the following:
Please read through my entire site, look over my work and understand what I shoot and who I am.
Look over my calendar to see what I have open that you can make for your shoot. Look at several dates. I do prefer at least two weeks out when possible
Go to the Booking page and get me your info/images as requested for TFP shoots. Paid shoots have a separate page for booking
I will then contact you back (either email or social media) with all of your details of your shoot, i.e., Date, Time, Location, Wardrobe, Makeup/Hair/Nail requirements
These instructions go for EVERY shoot:
Wear loose clothing. No bra/panties or anything that will leave lines on your body.
No alcohol, no pharmaceuticals or herbal refreshments allowed before or during the shoot. I need you alert and paying attention to me, not in daze. You can do what you like afterwards
If you plan on bringing a helper, please notify me when we get you booked.
Show up, on time, shoot ready
What I expect from you- Professionalism! This means maintaining communication til we start shooting. If anything changes since our last that will affect the shoot, I need to know ASAP. Showing up to your shoot on time (15 mins early is on time. On time is late). Showing up Shoot Ready. This means hair, makeup, nails are done unless (on the RARE occasion) and MUAH is provided. You just need to be put into wardrobe and ready to pose. Well rested. No partying from the night before. Bring water (lots of water in the studio) and light snack. Have your Model Bag ready. (I have a list of things you should ALWAYS have in it on the Advice page) I do not mind you bringing ONE helper along just please let me know in advance. They will be put to work carrying bags and playing look out (on location) if need be. This person should be fully aware of what we will be shooting and cannot interfere in any way with the shoot. No you cannot bring a damn entourage to your shoot. People are distractions. People get bored and want to leave. The more bodies you have that dont need to be there, the more opportunities there are for the shoot to get cut short unnecessarily and no I will not reschedule.
Cancellations/Reschedules (TFP)- I have a One Strike Policy for No Shows and Last Minute Cancels. I will reschedule at my discretion... maybe. If I have notice (can vary based upon the reasoning) then we have a better chance of rescheduling. If I have wardrobe set aside for your shoot, I will probably not hold it for very long. When you cancel last minute or just flat ass out no show/no call, you not only waste my time (which is worth more to me than yours is) but you also cost someone else the opportunity to have shot that day. Its a very selfish thing to do and I dont tolerate it. Do it to me chances are slim I will schedule you again on a tfp basis.
Prior to Shoot
1) Get plenty of sleep prior to shoot.
2) Do not be drinking or partying. Do not bring alcohol or other substances to your shoot.
3) Watch your diet and salt intake days in advance of us shooting.
4) Complexion – Keep your complexion in check all the way up to us shooting.
I do not allow Escorts, Chaperones or Body Guards! I allow HELPERS! Someone who is there to support you at your shoot and to play gopher, do your makeup, watch jewelry placement or anything else that HELPS with the shoot. Tell me you need to be protected from me and we're done talking. Seriously. I've been doing this for 15+ years and my reputation is more important to me than getting out of line with a model. Again, you are allowed ONE, not an entourage. In some cases, I prefer you do bring someone cause it makes it easier on me. In some cases, it doesnt matter to me. I will never tell you no to bringing a HELPER!
You will be held responsible for their conduct. If they interfere with your shoot, we are done. I suggest you bring someone who supports what you have decided to do and allows you to make your own decisions. This will make your shoot go much smoother and keep a relaxed atmosphere for everyone.
Your Images
You will have your images back in 2-3 days on the high end unless otherwise informed. Video if shot could be a few days more. This all mostly depends upon what else I have on my plate at the time of your shoot.
I currently do try to shoot a couple of minutes of video for each set shot when I have models who have shown me they can pose decently on their own. Sometimes its while we're shooting but mostly before that set is shot. I will add a soundtrack and edit them for you. If you wish to have PG version as well, just ask
Note: Videos are currently hit and miss. Just if I remember to set up the camera or if the model requests it.
I do like to pull at least one set from each shoot to submit for publication. So yes, there is a chance that you doing your very first shoot, something could be published. Start your modeling off with a tear sheet.
Note: I'm currently not submitting. Just not that important to me right now. If the model wishes to shoot something for submission, then we can
Studio: Located in Irving. Address will be provided with all shoot details
Joe Pool Lake- I have free access to Lynn Creek Park on Joe Pool Lake. I also have a annual pass to Cedar Hill State Park. As long as we go in the same vehicle, we get in for free. I ride a motorcycle. We can either ride on my bike weather permitting and we can fit everything need on it or take your vehicle. Either works for me. If you choose to just meet at either location, you are responsible for your own admission fees.
LCP- $15 per car.
CHSP- $7 person. Sometimes I shoot both locations the same shoot.
Other locations- I can and will shoot all over DFW. Just depends upon the outfits being shot. What I can get away with and where.
Creative Control
I retain full creative control over how all images will be finished in post processing. I'm one of the few who does not believe in excessive Photoshopping an image. If you want the Grand Canyon as your setting, then you get to pay for me an all expense trip to Arizona! :p